# Quickstart

# Getting immudb running

To get started extremely quick using Docker:

docker network create immudbnet
docker run -d --net immudbnet -it --rm --name immudb -p 3322:3322 codenotary/immudb:latest
docker run -it --rm --net immudbnet --name immuclient codenotary/immuclient:latest -a immudb

# Download the binaries

# General

Get the latest builds (opens new window)

# macOS specific

The community already added immudb to HomeBrew (opens new window), therefore you can simply run

brew install immudb

In case you want to run immudb as a service, please check the following guideline (opens new window).

# Build the binaries

To build the binaries yourself, simply clone this repo and run

make all

# Linux (by component)

GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 make immuclient-static immuadmin-static immudb-static

# MacOS (by component)

GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 make immuclient-static immuadmin-static immudb-static

# Windows (by component)

GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 make immuclient-static immuadmin-static immudb-static

# First start

# Run immudb binary

# run immudb in the foreground

# run immudb in the background
./immudb -d

# Run immudb as a service

# install immudb service
./immudb service install

# check current immudb service status
./immudb service status

# stop immudb service
./immudb service stop

# start immudb service
./immudb service start

The linux service is using the following defaults:

File or configuration location
all configuration files /etc/immudb
all data files /var/lib/immudb
pid file /var/run/immudb.pid
log files /var/log/immudb

# Run immugw as a service

immugw can be found in a different repository (opens new window). You can find a build guideline in the Readme of the repository.

Please make sure to build or download the immugw and immuadmin component and save them in the same work directory when installing the service.

# install immugw service
./immugw service install

# check current immugw service status
./immugw service status

# stop immugw service
./immugw service stop

# start immugw service
./immugw service start

The linux service is using the following defaults:

File or configuration location
all configuration files /etc/immudb
pid file /var/run/immugw.pid
log files /var/log/immudb

# Docker

If you just want to run immudb and connect using immuclient:

docker network create immudbnet
docker run -d --net immudbnet -it --rm --name immudb -p 3322:3322 codenotary/immudb:latest
docker run -it --rm --net immudbnet --name immuclient codenotary/immuclient:latest -a immudb

All services and CLI components are also available as Docker images on dockerhub (opens new window).

Component Container image
immudb https://hub.docker.com/r/codenotary/immudb (opens new window)
immugw https://hub.docker.com/r/codenotary/immugw (opens new window)
immuadmin https://hub.docker.com/r/codenotary/immuadmin (opens new window)
immuclient https://hub.docker.com/r/codenotary/immuclient (opens new window)

# Run immudb

docker run -it -d -p 3322:3322 -p 9497:9497 --name immudb codenotary/immudb:latest

run it with persistent data and listening to all interfaces:

docker run -it -d -p 3322:3322 -p 9497:9497 -v immudb:/var/lib/immudb --env IMMUDB_ADDRESS= --name immudb codenotary/immudb:latest

# Run immugw

docker run -it -d -p 3323:3323 --name immugw --env IMMUGW_IMMUDB_ADDRESS=immudb codenotary/immugw:latest

# Run immuadmin

You can either find immuadmin in the immudb container (/usr/local/bin/immuadmin) or run the Docker container to connect to the local immudb.

docker run -it --rm --name immuadmin codenotary/immuadmin:latest status

# Run immuclient

You can either find immuclient in the immudb container (/usr/local/bin/immuclient) or run the Docker container to connect to the local or remote immudb.

docker run -it --rm --name immuclient codenotary/immuclient:latest -a <immudb-host>

# Build the container images yourself

If you want to build the container images yourself, simply clone this repo and run:

docker build -t myown/immudb:latest -f Dockerfile .
docker build -t myown/immuadmin:latest -f Dockerfile.immuadmin .
docker build -t myown/immuclient:latest -f Dockerfile.immuclient .