# immudb

# Contents 0.9.1

# Latest binaries

Get the latest builds (opens new window)

If you run macOS you can also use Homebrew:

brew install immudb

# Build

clone the immudb repository locally

'git clone https://github.com/codenotary/immudb.git'

# Linux

GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 make immudb-static

# MacOS

GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 make immudb-static

# Windows

GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 make immudb-static

# Docker

# build your own Docker container image

docker build -t myown/immudb:latest -f Dockerfile .

# run immugw in a container

Make sure to point to the immudb system using the environment variable IMMUGW_IMMUDB_ADDRESS

docker run -it -d -p 3322:3322 -p 9497:9497 --name immudb codenotary/immugw:latest

or listen on all interfaces

docker run -it -d -p 3322:3322 -p 9497:9497 --name immudb -e IMMUDB_ADDRESS="" codenotary/immudb

listen on all interfaces, persistent data

docker volume create immudb-data
docker run -it -d -p 3322:3322 -p 9497:9497 -v immudb-data:/var/lib/immudb --name immudb -e IMMUDB_ADDRESS="" codenotary/immudb

# Run immudb

# run immudb in the foreground

# run immudb in the background
./immudb -d

# Configuration

immudb can be configured using environment variables, flags or a config file.

  • immudb --help shows you all available flags and environment variables.
  • /etc/immudb/immudb.toml is used as a default configuration file

# Environment variables

The environment variables are the most popular way to configure Docker container:


# immuadmin

immuadmin can be used to install and manage the immudb service for Windows and Linux

# Linux

GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 make immuadmin-static

# Windows (by component)

GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 make immuadmin-static

# immudb service

# install immudb service
./immudb service install

# check current immudb service status
./immudb service status

# stop immudb service
./immudb service stop

# start immudb service
./immudb service start

The linux service is using the following defaults:

File or configuration location
all configuration files /etc/immudb
all data files /var/lib/immudb
pid file /var/lib/immudb/immudb.pid
log files /var/log/immudb

# Authentication

immudb supports multiple user accounts that can have admin, read-only or read-write permission. All permissions are stored in a different database and each gRPC call has an associated minimum permissions.

To enable authentication you need to change the configuration file /etc/immudb/immudb.toml


dir = "./data"
network = "tcp"
address = ""
port = 3322
dbname = "immudb"
pidfile = ""
logfile = ""
mtls = false
detached = false
auth = true
no-histograms = false
pkey = "./tools/mtls/3_application/private/localhost.key.pem"
certificate = "./tools/mtls/3_application/certs/localhost.cert.pem"
clientcas = "./tools/mtls/2_intermediate/certs/ca-chain.cert.pem"
devmode = true
admin-password = "immudb" # this password is only used once to initialize immudb and can be ignored
maintenance = false
signingKey = ""

The important lines to change are auth = true and address = "" to enable authentication and listening on all interfaces.

Then restart/start immudb.

# Get the admin credentials

You need to run immuadmin locally on the same system as immudb (for security reasons) and connect to immudb:

immuadmin login immudb

You^ll receive the following message:

Using config file: /etc/immudb/immudb.toml
This looks like the very first admin login attempt, hence the following credentials have been generated:
username: immudb
password: immudb
IMPORTANT: This is the only time they are shown, so make sure you remember them.
NOTE: You have not been automatically logged in. To login please run the command 'immuadmin login immu' with the above-mentioned password. You can change your password at any time with one of your liking using the command 'immuadmin user change-password immu'

Please note that the password for the immudb user is the master password

# User management

To manage user, run immuadmin user after you logged in immuadmin login immudb

Please specify a user action.
Usage: immuadmin user list|create|change-password|set-permission|deactivate [username] [read|readwrite]
Help : immuadmin user -h

# List user

To get a list of all existing user including their permissions, run immuadmin user list

# Add user

Let's create a read-only user, called ro immuadmin user create <username> read

immuadmin user create ro read
NOTE: password must have between 8 and 32 letters, digits and special characters of which at least 1 uppercase letter, 1 digit and 1 special character.
Choose a password for ro:
Confirm password:
User ro created

and a read-write user, called rw immuadmin user create rw readwrite

# Change user permission

To change the ro user permission from read-only to read-write, run immuadmin user set-permission ro readwrite Check the change, using immuadmin user list

immuadmin user list
Using config file: /etc/immudb/immudb.toml
3 user(s):
-  --------  ----    -----------
#  Username  Role    Permissions
-  --------  ----    -----------
1  immu      admin   admin
2  ro        client  readwrite
3  rw        client  readwrite
-  --------  ----    -----------

# Deactivate user

To deactivate an existing user, run immuadmin user deactivate ro

# Reactivate user

To reactivate a deactivated user account, you can simply set user permission again. Run immuadmin user set-permission ro readwrite

# State signature

It's possible to sign each state with a private key. In this way clients and auditor can verify the immudb server identity. To launch immudb with signatures, either use --signingKey flag or IMMUDB_SIGNINGKEY environment variable.

./immudb --signingKey test/signer/ec1.key

To generate an elliptic curve private key use:

openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -out private.key

To generate the public key from the previous one:

openssl ec -in private.key -pubout -out public.key

# Backup and Restore

The simplest way to backup immudb is to use your operating system tools like tar or zip. You can stop immudb and backup the data directory (default: /var/lib/immudb) and start immudb again.

The other alternative is using the immuadmin backup command. Please keep in mind, that immuadmin backup is stopping immudb as well and a manual start is required.

# Multi-Database

Starting immudb version 0.7.0 we introduced a multi-database support. By default the first database is either called defaultdb or based on the environment variable IMMUDB_DBNAME.

# Database management

We recommend using immuadmin to create additional users and databases.

immuadmin login immudb  # Authentication is enabled by default, default user is immudb and password immudb;
                        # first login asks for a password change and must contain upper and lower case letters, digits, punctuation mark or symbol

immuadmin database list          # show all existing databases
immuadmin database create testdb # database testdb created

immuclient can be used to test the setup or in scripts. Of course the API supports multi-db handling as well.

immuclient login immudb   # login to immudb with user immudb
immuclient use testdb     # use testdb for all following commands
immuclient safeset k0 v0  # set a key value in testdb

# Database user management

You can create additional user using the immuadmin and grant database permissions automatically.

immuadmin user help shows you all information about the command usage.

Permissions are: read, readwrite and admin

# create an user for the newly created database
immuadmin user create myuser readwrite testdb       # create user myuser (password will be requested) and grant readwrite permissions to testdb

immuadmin user permission grant myuser admin testdb # change permissions to admin for user myuser on testdb
immuadmin user permission grant myuser readwrite testdb # change permissions to readwrite for user myuser on testdb
immuadmin user permission revoke myuser readwrite testdb # revoke permissions for user myuser on testdb

To check all database permissions use immuadmin user list

# API examples

This section is not yet ready for immudb 0.9. We are working on it in order to improve it and we are close to deliver. Stay tuned!

# Clients

Starting version 0.6.0 of immudb, you can use immugw (REST API), immuclient (interactive) or GoLang as immudb database clients. Depending on the user settings and permissions, you can have read-only and read-write clients.

APIs and interfaces - API reference and code examples

More driver libraries are coming soon (Java, Node.js, Python, .net aso.)

# Auditors

Auditors make sure that the data consistency is guaranteed inside immudb. They do a random key value verification and an interval-based Merkle-tree consistency check (5 minutes default). The immugw and the immuclient provide auditor functionality that runs as a daemon process. It is recommended to run immugw and immuclient on different machines than immudb, so any tampering on the immudb server is automatically detected.

The results of the auditors are provided by a Prometheus end point.

# immugw auditor

You can find immugw in the following repository: immugw (opens new window)

Start interactive: immugw --audit

Service configuration: To enable auditor, you need to edit /etc/immudb/immugw.toml and add the following section:

audit = true # false is default
audit-interval = "5m" # suffixes: "s", "m", "h", examples: 10s, 5m 1h
audit-username = "" # when immudb authentication is enabled, use read-only user credentials here
audit-password = "" # and the password

Restart the immugw service afterwards - immuadmin service immugw restart

immugw Port: 9476 - http://immugw-auditor:9476/metrics

example output:

# HELP immugw_audit_curr_root_per_server Current root index used for the latest audit.
# TYPE immugw_audit_curr_root_per_server gauge
immugw_audit_curr_root_per_server{server_address="",server_id="br8eugq036tfln0ct6o0"} 2
# HELP immugw_audit_prev_root_per_server Previous root index used for the latest audit.
# TYPE immugw_audit_prev_root_per_server gauge
immugw_audit_prev_root_per_server{server_address="",server_id="br8eugq036tfln0ct6o0"} 2
# HELP immugw_audit_result_per_server Latest audit result (1 = ok, 0 = tampered).
# TYPE immugw_audit_result_per_server gauge
immugw_audit_result_per_server{server_address="",server_id="br8eugq036tfln0ct6o0"} 1
# HELP immugw_audit_run_at_per_server Timestamp in unix seconds at which latest audit run.
# TYPE immugw_audit_run_at_per_server gauge
immugw_audit_run_at_per_server{server_address="",server_id="br8eugq036tfln0ct6o0"} 1.590757033502689e+09

# immuclient auditor

Start interactive: immuclient audit-mode

Install service: immuclient audit-mode install

**immuclient Port: 9477 - http://immuclient-auditor:9477/metrics **

example output:

# HELP immuclient_audit_curr_root_per_server Current root index used for the latest audit.
# TYPE immuclient_audit_curr_root_per_server gauge
immuclient_audit_curr_root_per_server{server_address="",server_id="br8eugq036tfln0ct6o0"} 2
# HELP immuclient_audit_prev_root_per_server Previous root index used for the latest audit.
# TYPE immuclient_audit_prev_root_per_server gauge
immuclient_audit_prev_root_per_server{server_address="",server_id="br8eugq036tfln0ct6o0"} -1
# HELP immuclient_audit_result_per_server Latest audit result (1 = ok, 0 = tampered).
# TYPE immuclient_audit_result_per_server gauge
immuclient_audit_result_per_server{server_address="",server_id="br8eugq036tfln0ct6o0"} -1
# HELP immuclient_audit_run_at_per_server Timestamp in unix seconds at which latest audit run.
# TYPE immuclient_audit_run_at_per_server gauge
immuclient_audit_run_at_per_server{server_address="",server_id="br8eugq036tfln0ct6o0"} 1.5907565337454605e+09

It's possible to provide the public key to verify the immudb server signature.

./immuclient audit-mode --audit-databases defaultdb --audit-password immudb --audit-username immudb  --server-signing-pub-key ./test/signer/ec1.pub

If the server public signing key is being provided to the auditor, each unsigned state will trigger an error.

Check state signature and verify state signature paragraphs for additional details.

# Architecture

This section is not yet ready for immudb 0.9. We are working on it in order to improve it and we are close to deliver. Stay tuned!

# License

immudb is Apache v2.0 License (opens new window).