# Configuration

This page describes how to set different settings in immudb.

Settings can be specified as command line options to immudb (see immudb -h), in a configuration file, or as environment variables.

# Settings

Parameter Default Description
address bind address
admin-password immudb admin password as plain-text or base64 encoded (must be prefixed with 'enc:' if it is encoded)
auth true enable auth
certificate `` server certificate file path
clientcas `` clients certificates list. Aka certificate authority
config `` config file (default path are configs or $HOME. Default filename is immudb.
detached false run immudb in background
devmode false enable dev mode: accept remote connections without auth
dir ./data data folder
force-admin-password false if true, reset the admin password to the one passed through admin-password option upon startup
log-request-metadata false log request information in transaction metadata
grpc-reflection true GRPC reflection server enabled
logfile `` log path with filename. E.g. /tmp/immudb/immudb.log
logformat text log format e.g. text/json
maintenance false override the authentication flag
max-recv-msg-size 33554432 max message size in bytes the server can receive
max-session-age-time infinity max session age time is a duration after which session will be forcibly closed
max-session-inactivity-time 3m0s max session inactivity time is a duration after which an active session is declared inactive by the server. A session is kept active if server is still receiving requests from client (keep-alive or other methods)
max-sessions 100 maximum number of simultaneously opened sessions
metrics-server true enable or disable Prometheus endpoint
metrics-server-port 9477 Prometheus endpoint port
mtls false enable mutual tls
no-histograms false disable collection of histogram metrics like query durations
pgsql-server true enable or disable pgsql server
pgsql-server-port 5432 pgsql server port
pidfile `` pid path with filename. E.g. /var/run/immudb.pid
pkey `` server private key path
port 3322 port number
pprof false add pprof profiling endpoint on the metrics server
replication-allow-tx-discarding false allow precommitted transactions to be discarded if the replica diverges from the primary
replication-commit-concurrency 10 number of concurrent replications
replication-is-replica false set systemdb and defaultdb as replica
replication-prefetch-tx-buffer-size 100 maximum number of prefeched transactions
replication-primary-host `` primary database host (if replica=true)
replication-primary-password `` password in the primary database used for replication of systemdb and defaultdb
replication-primary-port 3322 primary database port (if replica=true) (default 3322)
replication-primary-username `` username in the primary database used for replication of systemdb and defaultdb
replication-skip-integrity-check false disable integrity check when reading data during replication
replication-sync-acks 0 set a minimum number of replica acknowledgements required before transactions can be committed
replication-sync-enabled false enable synchronous replication
replication-wait-for-indexing false wait for indexing to be up to date during replication
s3-access-key-id `` s3 access key id
s3-bucket-name `` s3 bucket name
s3-endpoint `` s3 endpoint
s3-external-identifier `` use the remote identifier if there is no local identifier
s3-instance-metadata-url s3 instance metadata url
s3-location `` s3 location (region)
s3-path-prefix `` s3 path prefix (multiple immudb instances can share the same bucket if they have different prefixes)
s3-role `` role name for role-based authentication attempt for s3 storage
s3-role-enabled false enable role-based authentication for s3 storage
s3-secret-key `` s3 secret access key
s3-storage false enable or disable s3 storage
session-timeout 2m0s session timeout is a duration after which an inactive session is forcibly closed by the server
signingKey `` signature private key path. If a valid one is provided, it enables the cryptographic signature of the root. E.g. "./../test/signer/ec3.key"
swaggerui true Swagger UI enabled
synced true synced mode prevents data lost under unexpected crashes but affects performance
token-expiry-time 1440 client authentication token expiration time. Minutes
web-server true enable or disable web/console server
web-server-port 8080 web/console server port

# Configuration file

Settings can be specified in a immudb.toml configuration file (opens new window).

Which configuration file to use is set with the --config option. By default, immudb looks into the configs subfolder in the current directory.

When running immudb as a service, immudb service install allows to specify the configuration file to use with the --config option.

# Environment variables

Settings specified via environment variables take override the configuration file. They are specified in the form of IMMUDB_, for example IMMUDB_DIR specifies the dir variable.

# Logging Levels

The LOG_LEVEL environment variable sets the log level to be emitted from immudb logs. Valid logging level settings are error, warn, info(default), and debug. Logs that are equal to, or above, the specified level will be emitted. Log level error has the highest level, debug being the lowest.

You can set the LOG_LEVEL when running immudb either by setting the environment variable, or by running the command as below:

LOG_LEVEL=error ./immudb

# Levels

# info

The info severity is used for informational messages that do not require action.

# warn

The warn severity is used for messages that may require special handling, but does not affect normal operation.

# error

The error severity is used for messages that require special handling, where a normal database operation could not proceed as expected. It does not block the database.

# debug

The debug severity is used for messages that are used for debugging purpose for the database.

# Logging formats

Two logging format options are available: text and json. The default logging format setting is the text. The json format is available when specified.

# Examples of log output:

# Normal
# Command:
# Output:
immudb 2022/11/17 14:30:02 INFO: Creating database 'systemdb' {replica = false}...
immudb 2022/11/17 14:30:02 INFO: Binary Linking up to date at 'data/systemdb'
immudb 2022/11/17 14:30:02 INFO: Index 'data/systemdb/index' {ts=0, discarded_snapshots=0} successfully loaded
immudb 2022/11/17 14:30:02 INFO: Indexing in progress at 'data/systemdb'
immudb 2022/11/17 14:30:02 INFO: Flushing index 'data/systemdb/index' {ts=0, cleanup_percentage=0.00/0.00, since_cleanup=0} requested via SnapshotSince...
immudb 2022/11/17 14:30:02 INFO: Index 'data/systemdb/index' {ts=0, cleanup_percentage=0.00/0.00} successfully flushed
# Command:
./immudb --logformat=json
# Output:
{"caller":"codenotary/immudb/pkg/database/database.go:179","component":"github.com/codenotary/immudb/pkg/database.OpenDB","level":"info","message":"Opening database 'systemdb' {replica = false}...","module":"immudb","timestamp":"2022-11-17T14:32:28.890774+05:30"}
{"caller":"codenotary/immudb/embedded/store/immustore.go:553","component":"github.com/codenotary/immudb/embedded/store.OpenWith","level":"info","message":"Binary Linking up to date at 'data/systemdb'","module":"immudb","timestamp":"2022-11-17T14:32:28.898035+05:30"}
{"caller":"codenotary/immudb/embedded/tbtree/tbtree.go:351","component":"github.com/codenotary/immudb/embedded/tbtree.Open","level":"info","message":"Reading snapshots at 'data/systemdb/index/commit'...","module":"immudb","timestamp":"2022-11-17T14:32:28.898296+05:30"}
{"caller":"codenotary/immudb/embedded/tbtree/tbtree.go:669","component":"github.com/codenotary/immudb/embedded/tbtree.OpenWith","level":"info","message":"Index 'data/systemdb/index' {ts=2, discarded_snapshots=0} successfully loaded","module":"immudb","timestamp":"2022-11-17T14:32:28.904722+05:30"}