# Indexes


If you create lots of indexes, you may want to adjust default settings to reduce your memory footprint.

Indexing parameters, including cache-size, flush-thresholds, and max-active-snapshots, can be lowered as needed, but take into account more IO reads and writes, which may lead to poor indexing performance.

immudb indexes can be used for a quick search of rows with columns having specific values.

Certain operations such as ordering values with ORDER BY clause require columns to be indexed.

CREATE INDEX ON customers(customer_name);
CREATE INDEX ON customers(country, ip);
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS ON customers(active);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON customers(email);

Currently, indexes are subject to the following limitations:

  • Index can only be added to an empty table;

  • Indexes on JSON columns or subfields of them are not supported;

  • Each index doesn't have an explicit name and is referenced by the ordered list of indexed columns.

# Column value constraints

Columns of BLOB or VARCHAR type must have a size limit set on them. The maximum allowed value size for one indexed column is 256 bytes.

# Unique indexes

Index can be marked as unique with extra UNIQUE keyword. Unique index will prevent insertion of new data into the table that would violate uniqueness of indexed columns within the table.

# Multi-column indexes

Index can be set on up to 8 columns. The order of columns is important when doing range scans, iterating over such index will first sort by the value of the first column, then by the second and so on.

Note: Large indexes will increase the storage requirement and will reduce the performance of data insertion. Iterating using small indexes will also be faster than with the large ones.


With this clause the CREATE INDEX statement will not fail if an index with same type and list of columns already exists. This includes a use case where the table is not empty which can be used to simplify database schema initialization.

Note: If the index already exists, it is not compared against the provided index definition neither it is updated to match it.


An index can be physically deleted. Table data is not deleted and can be queried using either the primary index or any other declared index. Non-unique indexes can be created at any time.

DROP INDEX ON customers(surname);