# Transactions


Examples in multiple languages can be found at following links: immudb SDKs examples (opens new window)

immudb supports transactions both on key-value and SQL level, but interactive transactions are supported only on SQL with the exception of execAll method, that provides some additional properties.

Interactive transactions are a way to execute multiple SQL statements in a single transaction. This makes possible to delegate application logic to SQL statements - a very common use case is for example checking if the balance > 0 before making a purchase. In order to create a transaction, you must call the NewTx() method on the client instance. The resulting object is a transaction object that can be used to execute multiple SQL statements, queries, commit or rollback.

Following methods are exposed by the transaction object:

Commit() CommittedSQLTx, error
Rollback() error
SQLExec(sql, params) error
SQLQuery(sql, params) SQLQueryResult, error

It's possible to rollback a transaction by calling the Rollback() method. In this case, the transaction object is no longer valid and should not be used anymore. To commit a transaction, you must call the Commit() method.

Note: immudb implements multi-version concurrency control. Thus multiple read-write transactions may be concurrently processed. It's up the application to handle read conflict errors. In case a read-write conflict is detected, the sdk will return the 25P02 CodInFailedSqlTransaction error code.